Name: Macanesewarrior
Rating: 1
Review: I’ve been with Direct line insurance for many years, without a claim or so much as a phone call and then all of a sudden yesterday, they decided to literally double my car insurance upon renewal and blame global activity.Suffice to say, I cancelled all my Direct line insurance policies and found alternative companies.Another global organisation feeding off the Beast of October 2019.Have nothing to do with this organisation.
Date: 2 months ago
Name: Dave Meacham
Rating: 1
Review: BEWARE OF DIRECT LINE…..No you can’t trust direct line …Driver pulled out in front of me.I’m Third party direct line offer no advice an tell me I have to claim on my own which is impossible rac tell me I have claim through direct line???????Going round in circlesBEWARE OF DIRECT LINEThen they start asking for feedback and more details …..Big mistake using direct line.
Date: 4 days ago
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